
      Solo exhibition and participatory performance with high school students Cosmic Syntropy: Sustainable Goals. Event organized with the contribution of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Giornata del Contemporaneo (Art Contemporary Day). With the cooperation of the Italian Consulate in Zurich and the Italian...

Biblioteca Dario Nobili CNR Area Territoriale di Ricerca di Bologna Penelope Chiara Cocchi a cura di Giacinto Di Pietrantonio   La mostra rimarrà aperta fino al 29/02/2024 ogni martedì, mercoledì e giovedì ore 9-17.30 (su prenotazione scrivendo a     Il CNR di Bologna ospita la mostra “Cosmic Syntropy” di Penelope Chiara...

Quest’anno, in occasione del Natale, la Galleria Emmeotto Arte presenta una serie di proposte artistiche esclusive, tutti pezzi unici, legati al concetto di luce, e non solo, un’opportunità interessante e variegata per regalare o regalarsi un’opera d’arte o di design. Fulcro dell’esposizione sono le lampade contemporanee,...

War at peace       A chess board, since the black and the white squares share their borders, represents a shared existence that has always generated a sense of equilibrium. Who has ever wished upon their children, the heirs of their whole generation, a world of war and destruction? Real...

  Thirty days A thought a day At the stroke of noon Trenta giorni Un pensiero al giorno A mezzogiorno in punto   A chess board, since the black and the white squares share their borders, represents a shared existence that has always generated a sense of equilibrium. Who has ever wished upon their...

Due to the website facelift the previous events were deleted from this section. For more details of past events please download the CV  ...