‘Me Through You’
A reflection on human psychology, on the relationships between individuals, on the power of language. Subjects rendered transparent show how the human brain extends far beyond its physical confines, and how neural connections link individuals to one another. These connections in turn link these same individuals to the whole Universe, all of humanity to the cosmos. An enigmatic series made up of projects calling for glass sculptures, or perhaps digital paintings which will remain as such. These images continue the thread of Penelope’s expression of the symbolism that links the stars to human conventions, to the birth of Man in the Cosmos, while also tying into her series of infinity mirrors, with their light and depth of imagery. Individuals in crystal cases to isolate an idea as if it were a museum piece; and yet, in an instant, these transparent walls open onto the immeasurable, the infinite, and infinite ways to interpret the contents. In this series Penelope aims her focus on the individual who is observing and at the same time feels that they are being observed, in their most profound and intimate sensitivities.
Una riflessione sulla psicologia umana, sulle relazioni tra gli individui, sulla potenza del linguaggio. Soggetti resi trasparenti mostrano l’estensione del cervello umano ben al di là dei suoi confini fisici, e poi le connessioni neurali che collegano un individuo all’altro. Queste connessioni a loro volta collegano gli individui stessi all’intero Universo, tutta l’umanità al cosmo. Una serie enigmatica composta da progetti per sculture in vetro, o forse dipinti digitali da rimanere tali, queste immagini riprendono le fila del discorso di Penelope sul simbolismo legato alle stelle, alle convenzioni umane, alla nascita dell’Uomo nel Cosmo, ma si collegano anche alle serie degli infinity mirror, per la loro luce e la profondità immaginifica. Individui sotto teche di cristallo per isolare un discorso come in un contesto museale; tuttavia, in un attimo questi muri trasparenti si aprono sull’incommensurabile, sull’infinito, e sulle infinite possibilità interpretative. Si tratta di una serie che orienta il percorso di Penelope verso l’individuo stesso che sta osservando, e che a sua volta si sente osservato, nella sua più profonda intima sensibilità.
‘Me Through You #1’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #2’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #3’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #4’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #5’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #6’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #7’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #8’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #9’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1
‘Me Through You #10’ 2023, Digital painting and project for a sculpture, ratio 1:1