‘Human for a little while (Towards a Constitution of the Earth)’
Symbols, like archetypes, are objects which can act as fulcrums of energy, holding within them complex stories and the vicissitudes of human existence throughout the centuries. A symbol, to be considered as such, needs to be able to communicate meaning beyond any given event, beyond any individual culture, to speak a universal language.
Penelope often takes inspiration from the words of Carl Sagan to express concepts which can break through human conventions to generate a point of view that stands apart from our contemporary perspective, suspended from the time we perceive as present and detached from how we perceive ourselves as human individuals.
The series ‘HUMAN FOR A LITTLE WHILE (TOWARDS A CONSTITUTION OF THE EARTH)’ takes earthly objects, symbol of Human endeavors, and covers them with stars. In an instant, that single object ceases to belong to humanity, ceases to be part of the Earth, and begins its journey of universalization, and more importantly, of relativization. To relativize humanity, reposition it amidst the Cosmos, to encapsulate that which the human mind according to the limitations imposed by human sensitivity considers to be the whole of existence and juxtapose it to a greater Cosmic vastness: these are the goals of the series.
Penelope unites painting and sculpture to create installations that interweave the expressions brought forth in her previous series, such as the infinity mirrors and the Symbolon, her watercolors and her projects on the subject of war (in particular the “War at Peace” and “Christmas Truce” series).
The presence of stars in Penelope’s works speaks of rupture: juxtaposing worldly objects to the stars is an invitation to break with conventions, open a third mental dimension, a window through which to view the world upside down, putting human activity into perspective, (re)dimensioning it from the mental delusions we have been living in since birth.
I simboli, come gli archetipi, sono quegli oggetti capaci di fungere da fulcro di energia, di racchiudere una storia complessa e vicissitudini umane legate tra loro attraverso i secoli. Il simbolo, per essere tale, deve essere capace di comunicare al di là del singolo evento, attraverso le culture, utilizzando un linguaggio universale.
L’artista prende spesso in prestito le parole di Carl Sagan per esprimere concetti capaci di rompere le convenzioni umane e generare un punto di vista sospeso rispetto alla nostra contemporaneità, sospeso rispetto al presente, sospeso rispetto all’individualità umana.
La serie ‘HUMAN FOR A LITTLE WHILE (TOWARDS A CONSTITUTION OF THE EARTH)’ prende oggetti-simbolo dell’Umanità e li ricopre di stelle. In un attimo, quel singolo oggetto smette di essere umano, smette di far parte della terra, e inizia un percorso di universalizzazione, e soprattutto, di relativizzazione. Relativizzare l’umanità, riposizionarla nel Cosmo, rimpicciolire quello che nella mente e nella sensibilità umana ricopre la sua interezza: questi gli scopi della serie.
Penelope riunisce la pittura alla scultura, per creare installazioni che uniscono i discorsi aperti da altre serie, come gli infinity mirror e i Symbolon, gli acquerelli e i progetti sulla guerra (ricordiamo le serie “War at Peace” e “Christmas Truce”).
La presenza delle stelle nelle opere di Penelope ha un’intenzione di rottura: accostare a oggetti di uso quotidiano, a tecniche tradizionali e non la presenza delle stelle, è un invito a rompere le convenzioni, aprire una terza dimensione mentale, una finestra che capovolge il punto di vista, che relativizza le azioni umane sulla Terra, (ri)dimensionandole rispetto all’illusione mentale in cui viviamo dalla nascita.
‘Crown’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’ 2023, Acrylic, watercolor,
metal crown, Ø13×6 cm (Ø5′ x 2,3′)
‘Gimme Some (Qatar Gate)’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
2023, Acrylic, Football, Ø20 cm
‘Gimme Some (Qatar Gate)’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’ Detail
‘Skull’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
2023, Acrylic, watercolor, skull, 13x15x20 cm (5’x6’x7,8′)
‘Skull’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
‘JACK KNIFE’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
2023, Acrylic, watercolor,
Jack Knife, 20x5x2 cm (7,8’x2’x0,7′)
‘JACK KNIFE’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’ Detail
‘JACK KNIFE’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’ Detail
‘Rifle’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
2023, acrylic, watercolor rifle, 59x24x8 cm (23’x9’x3′)
‘Rifle’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
2023, acrylic, watercolor rifle, 59x24x8 cm (23’x9’x3′) Detail
‘Eywa’eveng – Universe on Fender’ 2016,
Oil on Fender, lace and glass, 32,5×97 cm – depth 4,5 cm (12.79”x3’/2.18” – depth 1.77”)
‘Skull’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
2023, Digital painting, ratio 1:1
‘BURQA’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
2023, Digital painting, ratio 1:1
‘Bed’ – Series ‘Human for a Little While’ – Towards a Constitution of the Earth’
2023, Digital painting, ratio 1:1